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The winding machines suitable for production / DC brushless inslot motor

NOL-1040 / NOL-0240

NOL-1060 / NOL-0260

Nozzle Type Inslot/Outslot Winding Machine
Applicable core : Inside slot motor/Outside slot motor

Nittoku has developed a new machine to wind small outside slot stator cores. There will be two models available, the NOL-0260 and the NOL-0160, depending on the customer`s specifications. Please inquire with our sales engineers for the model that will fit your application. Each machine includes.
Nittoku`s original controller and newly developed AC servomotor technology. The machine has been developed with compact design and easy changeover in mind.


KAI-0140 / KAI-0140H / KAI-0240Y

KAI-0160 / KAI-0160H / KAI-0260Y

Nozzle Type Inslot/Outslot Winding Machine
Applicable core : Inside slot motor/Outside slot motor

The KAI series coil winding machine has been developed for direct nozzle winding of inside slot stators for small motors.
With AC servo motors and Nittoku`s recently developed NSC60 machine controller, the KAI series can not only wind, but also perform terminal wrapping. A single machine can be set up for a variety of specifications. It features quick and easy specification change-over, a compact, simple mechanism, and 4-axis NC control.




Hook Type Inslot Winding Machine
Applicable core : Inside slot stator

Model HIM-03 has been developed for inside slot stators winding with new technology `Hook Winding` which uses outward fingers to slide wires through stator slots instead of nozzles passing in the slot.
The `hook` finger tool with NC control also enables precision winding.



CIT Series

Nozzle Oscillation Type Inslot Winding Machine
Applicable core : Inside slot stator

High productivity
Very precise servo-driven nozzle traverse
Minimized sound




Stator Winder for Multi-wire Winding
Applicable core : Inside slot stator

TOM-0150H is a capable of direct multi-wire concentrated winding instead of single heavy wire. High slot fill is expected by untwisting wire during winding cycle. the newly developed process can achieve higher output without changing stator OD.


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