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The establishment of the complete production system and service network in Japan and overseas, for the customer confidence.

Based on our principle to offer the best possible technology to each of the customers, we provide constantly high-quality products and services by the integrated network of the company.

It is our policy to offer the customers anywhere in the world to be ensured to have detailed and close response, by the service system always directly based on the location.

Global Network

Introduction of Departments and Bases

Introductions of our business offices and factories in Japan and overseas, and the access maps (are contained).

Click for the introduction of our departments and bases and the messages from the persons in charge.

Staff Blog

Guide to Fukushima Factory

It is a message to makes us feel relieved from the staff of departments and bases.

Introducing the pivot of our product manufacturing, and the key factory in Fukushima, with the information of the vicinity.

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