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Guide to Fukushima Factory

Soil for Creation

Guide to Fukushima Factory

Let us guide Fukushima Factory, the fertile field of Nittoku Engineering. Firstly, we welcome our precious customers at this spacious and comfortable lobby. Over the glass lit by soft sunlight extends the rich nature of Adatara mountains.

Plowing (Consultation)

Plowing (Consultation)

Please consult us about the production plans or any concern.
We start to cultivate the soil with necessary fertilizer, listening to the opinions of the customers.

Breeding (Engineering development)

Engineering development is the breeding ground of the manufacturing.
The staff members of the specialty departments carefully prepare the important seed of the customer's equipment. Sometimes breeding improvement will be necessary…

Breeding (Engineering development) Breeding (Engineering development)

Seeding (Processing / Material purchasing)

The processing of the base machine starts, and various materials are prepared.
Most winders' sub-frames and unit parts are processed integrated with casting in our own two machining centers in the area, to maintain the machine precision and durability.

Seeding (Processing / Material purchasing) Seeding (Processing / Material purchasing)

Nurturing (Assembly)

Nurturing (Assembly)

The seedling of the equipment is nurtured painstakingly, being watered every day.

Waiting for cropping time (Program adjustment / running test, etc).

Waiting for cropping time (Program adjustment / running test, etc).

Now the seedling has grown this big.
We continue grooming with a delicate care, waiting for the harvest.

Checking before harvesting (Program session / joint survey)

It is time that the achievement is confirmed by the customer.

Checking before harvesting (Program session / joint survey)Checking before harvesting (Program session / joint survey)



Finally, to the customer.
Nittoku Engineering Fukushima Factory delivers the products after examined by the strict quality control of ISO9001-2000 (Certification body: UKAS, RAB) for the process from designing, manufacturing to the installation.
Our wish is to provide good equipment to go a long way.

Click here for the geometrical information of Fukushima Factory and its vicinity.Fukushima Factory and the Vicinity

Fukushima Factory

17-3 Aza Kanokojima, Meiji, Iino-Machi, Fukushima-City, Fukushima pref. 960-1393 Japan
TEL. +81(0)24-562-4444 (Main) / FAX. +81(0)24-562-4445Access MAPFukushima Station Meeting Place 【PDF format : 32KB】

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