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Website Policy

This website is administrated by Nittoku Engineering Co., Ltd. (referred to as our company).
Please agree to the following items in order to use this website.

  1. All contents such as the texts and the images on this website are the copyright of our company. The usage of the contents except for the purpose of personal use, or without permit of our company is prohibited.
  2. The responsibilities for the access to and the usage of this website are with the user, and we do not accept any liability whatsoever for any damages resulting from the access to and the usage of this site.
  3. We pay full attention to administrate this site, but do not provide any guarantee that the information on this site is always the latest and perfect. We assume no responsibility for any damages and problems resulting from the incorrect information on this site.
  4. This website may have the process of the change of its contents or the discontinuance, without prior notice.

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