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Security Basic Policy

Our company has set up "Information Security Basic Policy" as stated below, to take all possible measures to ensure the safety and reliability over information assets in the advanced information society, to live up to the trust from the public and the customers. We will continue to disseminate this policy of information security to all of our board members and the corporate members (employees) engaged in our business activities.

Information Security Basic Policy

  1. To stipulate and observe the internal rule to maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability, to protect the information asset, by recognizing that ensuring the information security is the basic of our business activity and the corporate social responsibility.
  2. To implement preventive action to protect the information assets of the customers and our company from various security risks, and implement corrective action in the event of unforeseen risk (threat), for the strict control of the accuracy and safety.
  3. To abide by the laws and regulations, industrial guidelines, and other rules concerning the information security.
  4. To help "Information Security Policy" pervade the company, by implementing necessary education, campaign and audit, for the employees and others to understand the significance of the information security, and to handle the information asset properly.
  5. To evaluate the effectiveness of "Information Security Policy", and review and improve the policy continuously according to need.